Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So here's the research I've garnered by prowling the internet in search of wild articles.

Sarah Palin's Yahoo email account was hacked late on Tuesday the 16th of September by a hacker who called him/herself Rubicon. According to Rubicon, the motive in hacking into the account was to try and find some information that would derail Palin's campaign, but no such information was found. The method was frighteningly simple, to say the least. Rubicon was able to gather the e-mail address, information needed to access the account, and the answer to Palin's security question (where did you meet your husband) on the internet. 
Of course this is an exceptional case of internet security breaching, on account of the fact the Palin is a VP canidate, but articles by computer specialists commenting on this event seem to agree that a personal question as a security measure, while good for services, is "terrible for security". 
Different opinions on this occurance range from outraged hissy fits over the invasion of personal privacy, to bemused wonderment over how something like this even happened, to vinidctive finger pointing at how stupid Palin is. I'll bet you can all guess who had what opinion. 

Here are my sources (I liked Wired the best):

1 comment:

Connor said...

This article has a lot of info about it, including how long he can spend in jail for doing this.