Tuesday, September 30, 2008


[W]hen the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies.  And now when every new baby is born its first laugh becomes a fairy.  So there ought to be one fairy for every boy or girl.  ~James Matthew Barrie, Peter Pan

Sunday, September 28, 2008

art: the new addiction

I love my drawing tablet because it loves me and treats me right. 

In the meantime, I'm in the mood for Halloween

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In Addition....

Well, from what I've read on the internet (aka wikipedia) and our previosu history text book, the depiction of Jow McCarthy in the movie seems to be fairly accurate. He used brutal, accusatory, reckless tactics to "expose" the many alleged communists in the US, stamping on the Constitution while he was at it. An interesting fact, he was elected a curcuit judge in 1935, the youngest elected in Wisconsin state history. 

However, there is still that whole thing about making outrageous accusations and then not being able to prove them.... 

The Canyon Of Grandness

           Here are just a fraction of the pictures I took on the trip.

Goodnight and Good Luck: The Second Installment

Movies: Beautiful, inspiring,  idealistic. 


After watching the second half of Goodnight and Goodluck, the movies version of new seems much more appealing than what I saw on my television today. I watched the local SB news and a bit of CNN for some variety. The SB news lacked "zing". The stories weren't presented in a manner that made me think they were important and I'm not sure they would have been even if they were presented in a more appealing manner. CNN certainly had attention grabbing news, but while it was interesting, it certainly wasn't as edgy as it could have been. It seems that we need better news casters and a population with a longer attention span. 

Also, that little message board at the bottom is just annoying. 

Who came up with that idea?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

If I were a computer....

I'd imagine if i were a computer, I would have to be restarted at some point. When a computer is powered off, the machine sleeps, almost like a coma, or even death. Imagine being a computer: when your owner gave the command for you to restart yourself or turn yourself off, it would be like killing yourself, trusting that you would come back from that deep sleep.

I feel guilty for turning my computer off.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thoughts upon Joshua Figueroa

The essence and spirit of Joshua is captured in the simple form of the bouncy ball.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thoughts upon a Viewing of Goodnight and Good Luck

While the memory is still fresh in my mind, I will reflect upon what I saw and partially slept through this afternoon (the direct post-food-consumption period is not the most advantageous movie-viewing time).

From what I saw of Goodnight and Good Luck today, I am sure I will like it. The cinematography is beautiful, the acting is superb, and the story is mesmerizing. How strange it is to think, that not but fifty years ago, an individual could be put out of work or even incarcerated for practicing free speech or the freedom to pursue happiness in this "land of liberty". For it is indeed a pursuit of happiness to be a part of a political party that best fits your ideals and morality. Frankly, it's frightening to imagine such a blatant besmirching of the ideals our country was built upon (speaking of which, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington is a pretty good movie, go watch it).
This prompts another thought: There is no question that there was a violation of American rights during the Red Scare, but one has to wonder why such atrocities were preformed in the first place. Surely the men who were authorizing them could see how far they were straying from the American ideal. Was it fear alone that motivated them to take action, even if such actions would violate the rights of the nation? Perhaps prejudice as well?
It occurs to me that the movie may not be able to answer my musings, but I can still hope.

Another thing: Closets really are magical places. I keep finding strange objects in mine that i had no previous knowledge of.

Also: My writing sounds nothing like my usual speaking habits. How very sad.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pope Smoke Colors!


The Truth of the Pope's colored smoke is this: Cardinals use ballots to elect the new pope. After every vote, one the ballots are counted, they are taken to a stove in the Sistine Chapel and are burned. The smoke from the stove is visible from St. Peter's square. If the vote did not garner a new pope, the ballots are burned with a chemical that turns the smoke black. It used to be that wet straw was used, but it was not reliable enough. If the vote has been successful and there is a new pope, the ballots are burned alone, which produces white smoke.


Survey Questions

How many keyboard short cuts do you know?
a) none
b)a few
c) a sizable amount
d) way too many

How many movies do you own?
a) "

How many books do you own?

Do you own an ipod?

Before bed, are you usually watching tv, surfing the net, doing home work, or other?


Did you know that a group of ravens is called an unkindness?

That many partridges make a covey?

That multiple pheasants make a bouquet?

That a gathering of ponies forms a string?


Shame on you
This is my first post.

It's forced, so I really don't have much to say.

Let's see....

I'll probably be using this blog mostly for art postings or book reviews. Maybe a movie now and then.

If I'm feeling particularly informative, I might like to give a little history lesson.

I think I'll watch Fight Club when I get home today.