Sunday, April 26, 2009

Internet Neutrality

Well it sounds to me like "The Man" is wanting to make the consumer pay money for Internets, and that just sounds terrible. To be frank, however, I don't really think I understand the issue completely. The author of the article claims that the net neutrality battle is vague and opaque, but his article was almost as bad. To his credit, I'm not predisposed to either side of the argument. However, I don't think he did a very good job of explaining exactly what the issue is. My position on this issue will have to wait until I know more about it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Digital Voyage Suggestions

1) Addressing the Tube Of Plenty phenomenon...the fact that there was homework for an elective class did not bother so much as the homework being rather dull. Tube Of Plenty was not a very fun read. A different approach to homework might be to have students read articles or watch videos online and then respond to them on the blog, similarly to what we are doing with this assignment.
2) Blogger has been one of the most effective tools in the class and a defining characteristic of it. I think continuing the use of it would be very wise.
3) Google docs is only useful outside of class (although this might have more to do with the members of the class than the program itself)
4) It seems that the goal of the class is to get students to create media of their own, but I do think that perhaps students should be more exposed to media created to other people. We had a good protion of that in our class, but there could be more. 
5) The field trip to KEYT news was a really good idea. Repeating that field trip or going on others like it would give students a better idea of the professial world of media and whether media is something that should be persued. 
6)More class disscussions about current issues. Disscussions about the world today often lead to ideas, and with more people there will probably be more ideas.